‘Israel under renewed Hamas attack’, says the BBC. More balance is needed
I still say that the whole of Israel should be relocated to Idaho. Israel and the US are so intertwined in their economies and politics that Israel should have its own American state. Facetious Lou...
View Article1984 The Movie: The World We’ve Constructed Is Far Beyond George Orwell’s...
The World We’ve Constructed Is Far Beyond George Orwell’s Worst Nightmare | Alternet. http://www.alternet.org By John Pilger Orwell’s chilling vision of the future in ’1984′ is happening today in...
View ArticleUN must urgently investigate war crimes in Israeli-Gaza conflict – Amnesty Intl
Sometimes, I have to remind myself that a blog is interactive. It’s alive. Anything goes. For those in a hurry, the story is right underneath the photo of the morning Sun rising here in Victoria, BC....
View ArticleRussia Today Declares 9/11 Was An Inside Job! (12:58)
We posted this before, but these are serious and legitimate accusations. Just because this is from Russia does not make the story any less credible. Heck, there are plenty of Westerners that already...
View ArticleDid Israel Collude With ISIS to Justify Gaza Attack? Duh! (7:03)
▶ Did Israel Collude With ISIS to Justify Gaza Attack? – YouTube. Did Israel collude with ISIS terrorists to create the pretext for the bombardment of Gaza, which has killed almost 200 people, most...
View ArticleAmerican and Israeli War Crimes
American and Israeli War Crimes | Common Dreams. http://www.commondreams.org July 16, 2014 by Black Agenda Report American and Israeli War Crimes by Margaret Kimberley An IDF battalion on the Gaza...
View ArticleOn the US Ukraine lies: I’m confused, can anyone help me?
http://www.sott.net I’m confused, can anyone help me? Part 2 — RT Op-Edge. RT News July 15, 2014 I’m confused. Jen Psaki, US State Department spokesperson, says that the Ukrainian government has...
View ArticleBUSTED! Ukraine Caught Trying to ‘Frame Russia’ for Shooting Down Malaysia...
The US from my balcony Here we go. Let the disinformation begin. This video makes a strong point and refutes the lies coming out from the Ukrainian government, a fascist regime propped up by he US and...
View Article“Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it” (1:21)
▶ “Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it” – YouTube. Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni “Anti-semitic”, “its a trick we always use it”
View ArticleResearchers: Children exposed to religion have difficulty distinguishing fact...
Here you go, one more reason to shut all churches, synagogues, temples and other places of imaginary worship, and turn them into soup kitchens. Researchers: Children exposed to religion have difficulty...
View ArticleTruce or Consequences – The Cunning Cover for Continued Genocide
ZenGardner by and with permission from Zen Gardner Jul 17, 2014 by Zen Gardner These so-called peace proposals are just the same old tactic of these psychopathic rulers. Keep the talking going while...
View ArticleVatican bitterly irked by 1500-year-old Bible newly found in Turkey
The plot thickens. We all know by now that the Bible is a fairy tale based on ancient Sumerian and Egyptian mythology anyway. PressTV – Vatican bitterly irked by 1500-year-old Bible newly found in...
View Article“Voice of God Weapon” Makes People Think God is Talking To Them
The Daily Sheeple July 20th, 2014 Who could better control the masses than God himself? What if someone could make it seem as though God were talking to you, telling you what to do next? Imagine the...
View ArticleNorth Korea
North Korea is not a Marxist, communist country. It is a far-right fascist medieval state. This does not bode well for the people. North Korea is a fine example on how a state can manipulate and...
View ArticleHow to prepare yourself for the collapse of the age of human delusion and the...
We are all feeling that some major transformation is underway. Mike Adams hits the nail on the head on what is troubling our civilization, and offers some strategies to deal with it. This is really...
View ArticleHacked Email from U.S. Army Attache in Ukraine – For False Flags to occur so...
Hacked Email from U.S. Army Attache in Ukraine – For False Flags to occur so U.S. can take military action against Russia | CounterPsyOps. From and with thanks to: http://counterpsyops.com July 25,...
View ArticleUS Stands Alone in Vote Against UN Inquiry Into Gaza Assault
Relocate Israel to Idaho now! If this does not show that the US is owned and controlled by Israel, nothing will. The entire planet is fed up and disgusted by the Israeli and American lies, and the war...
View Article5200 Pentagon Employees PURCHASED Child Pornography! Why Is This Not A Bigger...
Lest we forget. Do you remember this story? Not many people do. How do we spell cover up again? How much do you want to bet that those not investigated were part of the elite? Dear Americans, these are...
View ArticleInternational Boycott of Israel Gaining Traction Worldwide
Relocate Israel to Idaho! Hit Israel in the pocket book. Boycott anything from Israel until they re-join the human race. Their bar product code is 729. Do not buy anything that begins with 729....
View ArticleIlluminati Plan Alert: Flight MH17 – What You’re Not Being Told (14:17)
After watching this right to the point analysis, you might believe that the Ukrainian government are scumbags Nazi psychopaths from hell armed and trained by the Americans. My vote is that they did...
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