This is possibly one of the best damning videos on 9/11. After watching this you will come to understand how diabolical this plot was, and how far deep the real culprits hide. Only a doofus living in a cave, or a Fox News follower, could possibly believe the official US version of this false flag operation.
David Hooper does a remarkable job in bringing it all in effortlessly. He does stop at where it frightened him: The real powers behind 9/11, and the following ‘War on Terror’ scenario it engendered, was engineered by an evil group of people so dark and demonic that it shatters most people’s belief systems. No one wants to believe that cabals such as the Illuminati actually exist. Until they wake up. This film will awake plenty of minds.
Be afraid. Be very afraid. 9/11 was merely the beginning of WW3. There are more horrors to come.
▶ 9/11 – Anatomy of a Great Deception – Complete Version – YouTube.