Victoria, Canada
Dec. 10, 2014
We’ve just had a sub-tropical storm go through here in the last few days. It was mild compared to what goes on elsewhere every day. Lots of winds. Phone disconnections. No real mayhem that I am aware of.
While sitting and pondering on the balcony, I came up with a simple solution to solve most of our up-the-creek problems.
This was a mild storm, but in the back of my mind lurks that story from two days ago about the imminent big 9.0 Earthquake that is overdue in these parts of the world. Also, I live by the Pacific ocean. You guessed it: Fukushima fall out. On top of that, we have the near national uprising against the police in the US. Our police, and by the looks of it, most of the world, is getting militarized. For what? Is the people the enemy now? Perhaps our elites know more than the rest of us unwashed.
There is the almost constant state of fear that permeates the fabric of our civilization. There is another war on the way, isn’t there? Don’t forget the chemtrails, the water, and the media all adding more stress into our exasperated lives. Maybe it’s an eminent alien invasion? None of this makes sense. Unless you think like a baboon, which most of us are not that indistinguishable from.
I blame it all on alpha males. Especially the psychopathic minority kind. Our alpha males can be females as well. Our species has become transgendered. Must be the chemicals in our foods, water, air, and minds we breathe daily.
So let’s get rid of our alpha males.
Do you know what would happen? Hear it from Dr. Sapolski about how a troop of baboons went from violent and possessive to docile and pleasant:
Just give me 3 minutes of your time. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions. I am not sure i could write what I really think. We do live in a police / surveillance state.
▶ Dr Robert Sapolsky and the Keekorok Baboon Troop – YouTube.