The graph above is from 2003.
Prevalence of autism in U.S. children increased by 119.4 percent from 2000 (1 in 150) to 2010 (1 in 68). (CDC, 2014) Autism is the fastest-growing developmental disability. (CDC, 2008)
I am not a scientist or a medical doctor. Just a layman trying to understand the connection between vaccines and autism, but it does not require a genius to wonder about this correlation. When I was a kid, or a young adult in university, autism was an exotic disease, something we knew existed but never saw. Someone is lying to us. When in doubt, follow the money. It talks plenty.
Also, I recall learning in biology class that mercury, which is present in vaccines, is highly toxic and detrimental to the human body and mind, and once it is in the human body it never leaves. You can’t get rid of it. Mercury is a deadly neurotoxin.
Kenneth V Anton
“I have no hesitation in stating that in my judgment the most frequent disposing condition for cancerous development is infused into the blood by vaccination and re-vaccination.”
Dennis Turnbull, MD, cancer researcher.
“Vaccines have to be considered the bargain basement technology for the 20th Century.”
Dr Maurice Hilleman, Leading Vaccine Developer
“The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used.”
James R. Shannon of the National Institutes of Health
The US healthcare industry is run by a Medical Cartel encompassing Federal regulators and giant Pharmaceutical companies posting sales in excess of half a trillion dollars. Vaccines comprise a major portion of this cash flow as does Cancer Therapy. Both are vital to the gross profitability and expansion of the Cartel regardless of how many people are actually cured.
Recent warnings about the resurgence of Ebola in West Africa suggest it may become a worldwide pandemic, possibly leading to mandatory vaccinations. Already, new vaccines are being rushed into production to deal with this new strain. Although Ebola has been studied since its origin in the Congo in 1976, it appears this new strain is more virulent and deadly. Already, quarantines are planned in the US despite only one death reported so far. And the media is amping up the fear factor with accounts of massive orders for Bio-hazard suits and body bags.
Healthy skepticism is required here: Why did the CDC patent this virus? Could Ebola be a Bioweapon engineered by the NIH and CDC (see video on Weaponized Ebola)? If an Ebola epidemic strikes the US, what are the personal risks in taking an Ebola vaccine? Will FEMA camps be used to quarantine large numbers of Ebola victims? Will an Ebola epidemic be a pretext for martial law?
History shows a number of diseases treated with vaccines:
Cowpox vaccine was developed and used in England in the 19th century against the scourge of Smallpox. But as the use of the vaccine spread, smallpox epidemics worsened with over 44,000 dying in 1872. Eventually, after many years of compulsory vaccination, the vaccine was banned in England in 1948.
After Japan initiated compulsory smallpox vaccination in 1892, there were over 165,000 cases of smallpox resulting in almost 30,000 deaths.
The Spanish Flu epidemic, ravaging the US and Europe towards the end of World War I was attributed to compulsory vaccination of US servicemen. As the flu spread, an estimated 20 million people died. Whereas, most of those who survived, had refused to take the vaccine.
The Polio Virus has been around for centuries. Yet the virus seldom caused paralysis until the late 1800’s. In fact, 95 percent of polio cases occur without symptoms, just a mild fever. But in less than one percent of the victims, the virus penetrates the blood-brain barrier to cause paralysis and death. As the fear of a polio epidemic in the US spread in the 1950’s, polio vaccines were rushed to market and vaccination became compulsory.
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