“This is about more than Pharma profits. It’s also about putting a ceiling on how human beings view themselves.” – Jon Rappoport
Alert: imperial psychiatric empire is invading the mind
by Jon Rappoport
May 14, 2014
A federal bill, HR 3717 (Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2013), is being refined in the hope of gaining big support from both sides of the political aisle.
Rep. Tim Murphy (R-Pa.) is the key point man for the American Psychiatric Association.
This bill is playing off of Aurora, Sandy Hook, Boston, and other recent “mass events.”
The propaganda hook is: catch mental illness early, prevent tragedy.
The strategy is: expand mental health services into every cranny and nook of the society, starting with children.
Translation: diagnose mental disorders and drug patients with toxic compounds.
As I’ve demonstrated in many past articles, none of the 300 officially certified mental disorders has any defining diagnostic test. No blood test, no urine test, no brain scan, no genetic assay.
The names and descriptions of all the disorders are outright frauds, packaged to sell harmful drugs.
But that doesn’t stop the juggernaut.
HR 3717 is designed to do the following, as described in a recent article in Psychiatric News, “Comprehensive Mental Health Bill Introduced in House”:
“Among the bill’s provisions is the creation of a new assistant secretary position in the Department of Health and Human Services to coordinate activities within the agency on prevention and treatment of mental health and substance abuse.”
That means far greater clout for the feds in foisting psychiatric treatment on the public.
“…increase funding for crisis-intervention team training for police officers and firefighters…”
This adds a psychiatric component in instances of “crises,” wherein suspects, witnesses and even government workers will receive “mental health” evals and counseling (and drug prescriptions). It’ll be SOP for anyone within shouting distance of a police raid, for example, to experience a brush with the psychiatric system, whenever possible.
“…permit disclosure of information about individuals with mental illness to caregivers or immediate family members under certain circumstances.”
There goes privacy and confidentiality…one leak and cross-reference after another.
“…$40 million a year for the National Institute of Mental Health to fund the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative…or other ‘research on the determinants of self- and other-directed violence in mental illness, including studies directed at reducing the risk of self-harm, suicide, and interpersonal violence.’”
More $$ to study how to control the brain. More fraudulent research aimed at blaming “chemical imbalances” as the cause of crime, which again results in more mental-disorder diagnoses and drugging. Keep in mind that increasing numbers of people are being driven over the edge into committing violence, because psychiatric drugs, such as the SSRI antidepressants, are scrambling their neurotransmitters. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
“…adopt a ‘need-for-treatment’ standard for assisted outpatient treatment (AOT), he [Rep. Murphy] said, adding that the current legal standard requiring ‘dangerousness to self or others’ to permit involuntary evaluation and treatment was a bar set too high.”
This means the government can order more people to receive psychiatric care and forced drugging, erasing the previous restriction.
Jeffrey Lieberman, president of the American Psychiatric Association: “We need a public-health initiative for mental health care that moves out of clinical settings into the community, whether it’s in primary care, education, the workplace, or faith-based organizations.”
Meaning: tons of new propaganda about the need for psychiatric treatment; the building of community psychiatric centers all across the country; pressure to submit to treatment applied in ordinary doctors’ offices, in schools, in private companies, in churches.
This is a diabolical legislative package.
If it’s fully implemented, you’ll witness a sea-change in society, in the coming decade. Diagnoses of mental disorders and consequent drugging, already widely in effect, will become as common and ordinary as people eating at fast food restaurants.
And the population will eventually forget things were ever different.
“Hey, can I borrow your Valproate? My son took my bottle because he ran out.”
Look for schools to set up monitoring systems, so they can be sure students are taking their psychiatric meds at the proper times during the day.
On their wireless devices, all children will have ID packages that allow them to check into any pharmacy and pick up a prescription refill.
And esoteric concepts like “consciousness?” They’ll fade from view, because “states of mind” will be defined by mental-disorder labels.
This is about more than Pharma profits. It’s also about putting a ceiling on how human beings view themselves.
As exemplified by this bill before Congress, the federal government has set itself up as a legal partner and enforcer of a monopoly of the mind.
Understand that. There are a million ways to explore and understand the inner life of a person. Psychiatry is just one of those. It’s a pseudoscience and a con and a hustle.
But it has the unflinching support of all three branches of government.
Which is why the freedom to refuse treatment must be protected, against any and all attacks.
Jon Rappoport
The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com