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France in a state or war with comedian Dieudonne


I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.


Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/v/voltaire109645.html#kwWEIPxJCyLZWeJ6.99


On the Quenelle brouhaha and the immoral persecution of Dieudonne M’Bala M’Bala

To the French people:

We call it freedom of expression here. What do you call it?

“I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Voltaire

For those of you who are too young to remember the French Vichy days, these describe a time when Hitler invaded France and most French politicians, and most of  the French Establishment at the time, accepted and collaborated with the Nazis. The writer below equates that sordid and real part of history with the present French Establishment which is now collaborating with the Israelis. Mind control is a weapon of war. Attempting to censor other views is criminal and immoral. Attempting to censor a gesture is beyond the ridiculous. Shame on the French politicians for, again, having no moral backbone.

Methinks this is merely a diversion to get the poor French people away from the real issues affecting France.

This from the country that gave us Voltaire?


One last one from the V man:

“It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.”

What about this one from the French lexicon itself: “The more things change, the more they remain the same. “

Shame, shame, abject shame.

Les politiciens Francais sont une bande de cons.



France in a state or war with comedian Dieudonne | Veterans Today.


France becomes a Zionist Sock Puppet -  Shades of  Vichy France reemerging in the 21rst century



  Editor’s note:Only the names have changed

Only the names have changed

[ It is a say day to see France humilitate itself by deploying state power against a comic. It's all like a bad dream. If there was any doubt of the danger of Zionist and Jewish Lobby subversion in their host countries, this pitiful display will rank as a sterling example.

And yes, the Vichy comparison is quite pertinent, only the names have changed regarding who the French leadership has 'gone over' to.  And why? That is the same too...because just like the Vichy crowd they thought it was the 'smart play'.

The purpose of the government attacks on Dieudonne is to continue solidifying  their groundwork for fully criminalizing any criticism of Israel , a multi-decade goal of Israeli intelligence and their 5th columns throughout the West.

They knew the day would come when the onion would begin to get peeled on their long history of crimes. The various legislatures which have assisted them in the cover up process also needed to make sure their own treason would not be revealed in any major future scandals. What better way to keep the cork in the bottle than to make it a crime to even discuss such things.

Of course the Zio-Lobbies will use the same tactics in other countries so this is a threat to all the rest of us. It is time for those in the Intel community who have long known about these depradations to stop laying back and counter attack while they still can.

Political obstruction of justice already has a long history here in the US. We could fill a small hotel with counter intelligence people who could testify about Lobby criminal investigations getting stopped just prior to going to a grand jury with one call from the White house or the Attorney General's office to cease and desist.

Hollande is playing his role well

Hollande is playing his role well

Europeans have to make their stand not only in their respective countries, but in the EU Parliament and courts. 

The Zios know that when the Iran nuclear issue is resolved that world attention is going to focus on their WMD. The EU Parliament chief has already stated that they have such a plan already prepared, one hell of a surprise to me.

When Israel refuses to dismantle its WMD, that will set them up for major sanctions. So they want to get legislation on the books to make advocating sanctions, etc., an act of hate…and a criminal act.

We have long counseled there is no accomodation with militant Zionism. It has always  been a win all, or lose all with them. That is how they approach the game. It is way past time for us to do the same.

But we face a tough battle as they have anticipated this and have their corrupt hooks are deep into our own political structures. Israeli Lobby subversion has never been a major political campaign issue. We will have to make it one to have any chance of success… Jim W. Dean ]


French police raid home of anti-Zionist comedian

 … by  Press TV, Tehran

First Published January 28,  2014  -


French government embarrasses its people

French government embarrasses its people

French police have launched a raid on the home of anti-Zionist comedian, Dieudonne M’bala M’bala, as well as his offices, seizing his personal documents and other belongings.

The French government accuses the controversial comedian of what it describes as promotion of anti-Semitism, and it is mounting pressure against him through judicial measures.

The government has already banned M’bala M’bala’s public gatherings and the raids on Tuesday were sanctioned as, what the government claims, part of a broader investigation into suspected fraud by Dieudonné.

He has been also convicted for a series of hate speeches, for which authorities are now seeking to compel Dieudonné to pay tens of thousands of euros in outstanding fines.

They have accused him of suspected money-laundering and misuse of corporate assets.

Dieudonné, whose father is from Cameroon and whose mother is French-Caucasian, has popularized a gesture called “quenelle” salute – which authorities have branded as anti-Semitic. It is a straight-armed downward gesture that some have likened to a reverse Nazi salute.

The comedian argues that his gesture is anti-Zionist, not anti-Semitic. The gesture was first used during a campaign in 2009. Since then, it has been reproduced all over the Internet, and particularly among the comedian’s hundreds of thousands of fans.

In the past few months, Dieudonné has been banned from performing in several French cities on the grounds of maintaining public order.

Meanwhile, French President François Hollande has publicly supported the ban on his performances.

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